She's here!
Margaret Joan Manes was born at 11:02 a.m. on Wednesday, October 29, 2014. We call her Margot. She weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19.25" long. She's healthy and perfect and beautiful, and to say we are in love just doesn't quite begin to cover it. We are amazed, honored, and grateful that we are her parents.
Today it is quite clear that she is the daughter we have waited all of these years for. Our journey was hard all along. At times, it was awful. I lost sight of my own happiness on several occasions, and I felt the one thing I was meant to do in life was out of reach. Now I know that it was the path we had to travel in order to be Margot's parents, and it was all very much worth it.
My heart is so full of so much, and my mind is blurred by so many thoughts. I'll have much more to write later, but for now, I'd like for you all to meet our girl, Margot.
She's pretty incredible, right?
This is the most special birth announcement I've ever read. My favorite picture is the skin to skin contact one. Look at her itty bitty head! It so hard to get a good idea of just how tiny they are in the beginning. Margot is so blessed to have you all as parents! And I know you feel the same about her.
ReplyDeleteI'm just now finding your blog. That picture of Jason looking at you and you looking at Margot.. just wow! so much love right there.